Take a Class

Get Fit, Have Fun!

Regular participation in a Jacki Sorensen’s Fitness Class will reduce stress, lower blood pressure, give you more energy, burn fat, improve your self image and esteem, tone and strengthen your muscles, get a firm lean body and increase cardiovascular fitness! Start your healthy lifestyle and join a Jacki’s Class today! Bring a friend and share the FUN!

Find a class near you here

For classes in Australia go to AerobicDancing.com.au

For classes in Japan go to Nihon-AerobicDancing.com

From the Fitness Floor

“Jacki’s Aerobics has seen me through the ups and downs of my life. When things are coming apart, aerobics is always there to remind me of what is important. It has truly been my lifeline. It’s good for the mind, body and spirit. We love Jacki and we love dancing!”

— Jean Ricciardelli, Instructor
Portland, Maine