Frequently Asked Questions

I’ve never been to a group fitness class before, will I fit in?

YES, you will fit in! A Jacki’s Fitness class is for all ages, shapes and sizes of people. Everyone works at their own individual pace. Call your Jacki’s instructor ahead of time and she will give you an idea of what to expect so you feel comfortable. Come a few minutes early and meet arriving Jacki’s students who will make you feel welcome!

What if I make a mistake during a move?

It’s OK! Enjoy being a beginner! Come with the right mindset – sometimes trying something new creates a little anxiety. Everyone feels uncomfortable to varying degrees when they attempt a skill for the first time! Choose a spot in the middle of the class so you can see all different angles. Mistakes are a natural part of any learning process. You don’t need to be perfect – the goal is to keep moving and derive benefit. Your only expectation should be to have FUN! Look around – is everyone smiling and enjoying themselves? You will too!

Are Jacki’s Fitness Classes safe?

Absolutely! Jacki choreographs every song to be safe and effective. We monitor heartrates throughout class so you know if you are working at the correct pace for you. Jacki’s instructors demonstrate different levels of participation every class so you can cater your workout to meet your fitness needs.

I’m not sure I have enough time to take Jacki’s class – how do I fit this in my schedule?

Write your Jacki’s classes on a calendar just like any other appointment you make! Bring a friend, the buddy system always works! After each class note how good, successful and motivated you feel. Reward yourself for attending, take a long bath with a good book – this will keep you coming back for more. Soon your commitment will become a natural part of your lifestyle.

What should I bring to class?

Bring a water bottle or sports drink to prevent dehydration and drink before you feel thirsty. A mat or towel will help make doing abdominals and stretching more comfortable. You may bring hand held or ankle weights if desired. During the Vertifirm portion of a Jacki’s Dance class, you may use hand weights (up to 6 lbs. per hand) and/or ankle weights (up to 2-1/2 lbs. per leg). During a Jacki’s StrongStep class, the step acts as your lower body resistance, so only hand held weights during Vertifirm are permissible.

What should I wear to class?

Wear what is comfortable for you! Socks and shoes with good support for your feet are important. FitnessStuff offers a starter wardrobe for new students (check the TAKE A CLASS page) and has everything a current student might want to wear to class, too!

Do I need to memorize the routines?

The instructor does that, so you don’t have to! We make it easy by using a cue that tells you the move. The cue is given to you ahead of time allowing you to get ready for the upcoming step. In a Jacki’s Dance Class the instructor teaches you some basic moves when she introduces a new song. Watch the videos on the DANCE page to get a feel for each part of class and what it will be like!

Are the classes vigorous?

When you come to class for the first time, walk through it! Don’t worry about the arm moves, only do as many abs and pushups as feels comfortable and don’t use weights. As your fitness level improves, lift your feet and knees a little higher, work up to full extension arm moves and do a few more abs and pushups each class and gradually add weights. Listen to your body, you’ll know what level is right and in a Jacki’s class you can personalize your workout level. Added strength and stamina will feel like a reward and keep you coming back for more!

I need an activity that includes all I need to be fit – does a Jacki’s class do that?

Yes! Jacki’s has a Get-It-All-Together approach to fitness! In a one hour Jacki’s Fitness Class you’ll work your core, do muscle toning and strengthening during Vertifirm, get a great cardiovascular workout and do stretching to increase your flexibility. It’s everything you need to be fit!

I’ve never found a workout that I want to stick to – will this be fun?

FUN is our main ingredient! This is a class you will stick with! If it wasn’t’ a great workout and FUN too, we wouldn’t have been in existence for 45+ years and still going strong! GET FIT! HAVE FUN!

From the Fitness Floor

“Jacki’s Aerobics has seen me through the ups and downs of my life. When things are coming apart, aerobics is always there to remind me of what is important. It has truly been my lifeline. It’s good for the mind, body and spirit. We love Jacki and we love dancing!”

— Jean Ricciardelli, Instructor
Portland, Maine